Luca Bertazzi is Professor of Operations Research at the Department of Economics and Management of the University of Brescia (Italy), where he teaches optimization of production, warehouse and transportation management, and where he is Responsible for teaching activities and Coordinator of the PhD program in "Analytics for Economics and Management (AEM)".

He obtained a Ph.D. from the University of Bergamo (Italy). In the academic year 1995/96, he was visiting scholar at Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), Cambridge, MA (USA).

His research focuses on mixed integer linear programming, dynamic programming and worst-case analysis, with application to logistics and transportation. He has published in leading academic journals such as Management Science, Operations Research, European Journal of Operational Research, INFORMS Journal on Computing, Naval Research Logistics, Omega, Transportation Research B/C/E and Transportation Science.

He is associate editor of IISE Transactions, INFORMS Journal on Computing and Networks.

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UniversitĂ  di Brescia

Dipartimento di Economia e Management

Contrada Santa Chiara, 50

25122 Brescia (Italy)